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Open enrollment begins Monday in Connecticut. Here’s what you need to know.
Jenna Carlesso, The Connecticut Mirror, Nov. 1
Open enrollment for health insurance through Access Health CT is happening now. This year, additional subsidies for low-cost or free coverage will be available to many residents, including those who may not have qualified in the past.
Related: 2022 open enrollment messaging toolkit from CT Health
Cervical cancer mortality stagnates despite screening
Heidi Splete, Medscape Medical News, Oct. 28
Despite being the only cancer that can be prevented by vaccination, incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer have stagnated for the last two decades. Racial and ethnic disparities persist as well. Improving equity in cervical cancer care involves structural and clinical trial-specific issues, such as removing language barriers and building trust between patients and providers.
‘There was no plan’: Throwing spaghetti at the wall to overcome COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy
Theresa Gaffney, STAT News, Nov. 2
There have been several incentives across the country attempting to get more people vaccinated against COVID-19. However, without a top-down plan to combat vaccine hesitancy, many are left guessing about which incentives are most effective. Even when research has demonstrated the success of certain strategies, they haven’t been widely adopted.
Babies are dying of syphilis. It’s 100% preventable.
Caroline Chen, ProPublica, Nov. 1
A disease that has the potential to be eradicated continues to disproportionately impact Black, Hispanic, and Native American people. Increasingly, newborns are paying the price for the United States’ inability to curb the disease through a public health approach.
New infographic from CT Health: How racism shapes opportunities for Black families
This infographic tells the story of Marcus, his grandmother Helen, and his daughter, Mia, and how racism has shaped their lives in different ways. While our country has made progress in outlawing segregation and discrimination, the opportunities available to people of color today remain deeply influenced by the legacies of racist policies rooted in the past.