health equity
CDC finds CT Hispanic infant mortality rate among nation’s worst
Ana Radelat, The Connecticut Mirror, January 4
White women in Connecticut had among the lowest infant mortality rates in the nation, but Hispanic mothers in the state had among the highest, nearly double that of white mothers.
Related story: These are the states where infant mortality is highest Jacqueline Howard, CNN, January 4
The ‘Frequent Flier’ Program that grounded a hospital’s soaring costs
Arthur Allen, Politico Magazine, December 18
In Dallas, Parkland Hospital created an information-sharing network that gets health care to the most vulnerable citizens—before they show up in the emergency room.
health care costs
Why the U.S. spends so much more than other nations on health care
Austin Frakt, Aaron E. Carroll, The New York Times, January 2
The United States spends almost twice as much on health care, as a percentage of its economy, as other advanced industrialized countries — totaling $3.3 trillion, or 17.9 percent of gross domestic product in 2016. Why? Studies point to a simple reason: the prices, not to the amount of care. And lowering prices would upset a lot of people in the health industry.
Healthcare Cabinet lays out drug cost strategies
Matt, Pilon, Hartford Business Journal, January 3
Connecticut’s Healthcare Cabinet has issued a draft list of legislative and other priorities aimed at tackling rising prescription drug costs. The panel is now accepting comments on the recommendations.