Health News Roundup

Week of September 11, 2017


Another thing disappearing from rural America: Maternal care
Adriana Gallardo, Nina Martin, ProPublica, September 5
A new study shows that more than half of the country’s rural counties now don’t have hospitals with obstetric services. And women of color are being hit the hardest.

New Haven Healthy Start continues the work at 20; ‘the work needs to continue’
Brian Zahn, The New Haven Register, September 7
Although New Haven Healthy Start has been successful in reducing the city’s infant mortality rate from more than 150 percent of the national average 20 years ago, its staunchest advocates say there is yet more work to do.“The disparity remains,” said Kenn Harris, director of New Haven Healthy Start and president of the National Healthy Start Association, referring to persistent disparities in infant mortality along lines of race, educational attainment and income, among others.


Why Medicaid is the platform best suited for addressing both health care and social need
Katharine Witgert, Health Affairs Blog, September 7, Copyright ©2017 Health Affairs by Project HOPE – The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
Evidence has been building that social determinants of health have a bigger impact even than health care services on people’s health, functioning, and quality of life. But the United States, while arguably developing some of the world’s most powerful health care technologies, has been slower to systematically address social determinants of health.

Census: Income up, poverty, uninsured down
Amanda Cuda, Connecticut Post, September 12
Household incomes are rising, poverty rates are falling and the number of uninsured Americans is declining nationwide, according to new Census figures released Tuesday. But experts wondered if those positive trends would continue in the future, given issues with the state budget and debates happening on the national stage. Proposed cuts to Connecticut’s Medicaid program, Husky A, would effectively remove 9,500 low-income adults from the program.


Race can be an uncomfortable topic, so let’s talk about it
Patricia Baker, President and CEO of the Connecticut Health Foundation, September 11
Connecticut is one of the healthiest states in the country. We can be proud of this, but must also be conscious that there is more to the story: People of color do not share the same positive health indicators white Connecticut residents enjoy.