The Burgdorf Health Center is a safety net clinic located in the North End of Hartford. Currently, the clinic is operated through a collaboration between the University of Connecticut Health Center (UConn) and Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center (St. Francis). The Burgdorf has been an invaluable component of the Hartford safety net, and has also been a critical teaching facility for St. Francis and UConn residents. Despite its value to the community, St. Francis and UConn can no longer sustain the operations of the Burgdorf.
Community Health Services, Inc. (CHS) will take over the operations of the Burgdorf and work to ensure that its doors remain open as a critical part of the Hartford safety net. The safety net includes both public programs to make health insurance more available and affordable, and the system of service to providers that exists to meet the needs of vulnerable populations.
CHS’s initiative is aligned with CT Health’s health equity objective to maximize the role of the safety-net in an integrated health care system.
This grant will provide support for CHS to complete the due diligence work for them to evaluate the risks and benefits of assuming operations of the Burgdorf.
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