Hartford Knights is a nonprofit organization that provides mentoring, education, and job training to youth in the Hartford area who are referred from the Department of Children and Families, the court system, and school expulsion programs. This funding will support Hartford Knights as it transitions from focusing strictly on providing services to also engaging in grassroots advocacy related to health disparities that affect people of color. Through advocacy work, the organization will help to ensure that state leaders hear from more people of color who are affected by health disparities.
This grant was awarded as part of the Sanford Cloud Awards for Diverse Advocacy and Policy, which are awarded to individuals who have graduated from the foundation’s Academy for Health Equity Advocacy & Leadership. The funding is provided to advance these individuals’ health equity policy projects through the organizations they lead. These grants are awarded in recognition of Sanford Cloud Jr., former foundation board chair and current board member, for his numerous personal and professional contributions to advancing social justice and equity.
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