Health Equity

Capitol Region Education Council Foundation

2020 - $10,000

This funding will support work to assure the successful return to school of students with physical or emotional challenges who might face greater barriers to attending school during the COVID-19 pandemic. For some students with ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, cognitive delays, social and emotional disorders, or other learning differences, adapting to new procedures, including wearing personal protective equipment and physical distancing, could be challenging. This work includes professional development and on-site consulting for school staff working with students to adjust to COVID guidelines and providing students an opportunity to practice skills in an empty school to allow them to gain comfort without distracts and allow school staff to assess barriers that might exist for students.

This grant was awarded as part of The Sanford Cloud Awards for Diverse Advocacy, Policy, and Equity, designed to advance health equity for people of color by investing in initiatives led by graduates of the foundation’s Health Leadership Fellows Program and Academy for Health Equity Advocacy and Leadership. The award is named in honor of Sanford Cloud Jr., the foundation’s former board chair.