Connecticut AIDS Resource Coalition (CARC), the only umbrella organization that supports HIV/AIDS services providers statewide, says that contrary to popular belief, the needs of persons with HIV/AIDS are not being adequately addressed. The epidemic continues to grow on a national and statewide level: new infections occur annually; certain racial and ethnic groups are disproportionately impacted; barriers to health care and positive health outcomes continue; and the “system” remains fragmented. CT Health awarded CARC a $25,000 grant to develop, in partnership with other stakeholders, a state implementation plan that closely mirrors the goals of the first-ever national HIV/AIDS strategy (NHAS). The national strategy has four key goals, including: reducing new HIV infections; increasing access to care and improving health outcomes for people living with HIV; reducing HIV-related disparities and health inequities; and achieving a more coordinated response to the HIV epidemic. CARC proposes to announce the plan during a statewide conference at the Legislative Office Building on December 1, 2011, World AIDS Day.