An estimated 90,000 residents are newly eligible for Medicaid because of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Medicaid applications must be processed through the Department of Social Services (DSS), which is struggling with processing applications for its program as it modernizes its eligibility system and integrates with Access Health CT.
In 2014, United Connecticut Action for Neighborhoods, Inc. (UCAN), seeks to engage Medicaid enrollees, and those remaining uninsured, in advocacy that results in DSS’s improved ability to meet the needs of its customers.
UCAN’s second goal is to improve the State Innovation Model (SIM) plan. UCAN will improve consumer representation on the SIM Board, committees, and task forces; include measures to protect the quality of care of low income residents, and to guard against financial incentives that would result in under-treatment or denial of treatment.
This grant will provide general operating support to UCAN.
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