Happy New Year!
This promises to be a big year, full of many challenges and opportunities to meet them.
At CT Health, we are beginning a new strategic plan. This includes continuing our work toward coverage for all Connecticut residents and sustainable payment for community health workers. We look forward to deepening the relationships we have with many existing partners, and to building new ones with those whose work intersects with ours.
Our new strategic plan also includes a new area of focus for the foundation: maternal health equity for people of color. There is already much important work happening in this field in the state, and we plan to enter this space by listening and learning. To that end, we are seeking a consulting team that can help to build and facilitate an advisory group on maternal health equity, and to develop a blueprint on how Connecticut can achieve maternal health equity, with input from the advisory group and others in the field. If you’re interested, please see our request for proposals and reach out to our team if you have questions.
Finally, 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the Connecticut Health Foundation. Looking back, I can see how much progress our state has made toward health equity – and how much more work there is to do. We could not have come so far without the many wonderful partners our organization has had over the years, and we know that working together will be critical in moving forward.
On behalf of the CT Health team, I wish you a very happy new year and look forward to our work toward health equity in 2024.