Research shows that community health workers can improve people’s health while controlling costs. To offer a sense of community health workers’ potential in Connecticut and the strong return on investment they offer, the Connecticut Health Foundation commissioned researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Center for Health Law and Economics to design four potential interventions based on successful models in other states.
This brief offers more details on what community health workers can do and how they can benefit Connecticut. We hope it will give you a sense of why the foundation believes community health workers are critical to improving health care in Connecticut. The research underlying the models described in the brief will be released in a full report later this spring.
For more background on this issue see Tomorrow’s Health Care System Need Community Health Workers: a Policy Agenda for Connecticut.
This resource was compiled by Katharine London MS, Kelly Love JD, and Roosa Tikkanen MPH MRes, UMass Medical School’s Center for Health Law and Economics