The Mount Aery Development Corporation is one of 18 community-based organizations selected to receive funding for additional in-person assisters to those funded by Access Health CT.
In-person assisters proved valuable during the first round of health insurance enrollment under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and serve as a critical component of a comprehensive “no wrong door” enrollment system, which allows consumers to apply for health insurance through different agencies, and then seamlessly routes them to the program for which they qualify. Many of those who remain uninsured are the hard-to-reach, in particular those under age 35, males, those with limited English language proficiency, African Americans and Latinos who may be disconnected from the health care system.
The assisters, by virtue of their roles, are in a position to serve as Connecticut’s door to the “no wrong door” enrollment system by providing one-on-one assistance in various ways: online, by phone, and store fronts.
The 18 organizations were selected based on their proven track record in providing in-person assistance in the first 2013-2014 open enrollment period by meeting or exceeding outreach and enrollment goals set by the Navigators and In-Person Assisters (NIPA) program.
The grant is aligned with CT Health’s health equity objective of promoting health insurance enrollment and navigation support systems that will increase and maintain coverage.
Grant funds will go to the organizations in time for the second round of enrollment for health insurance in Connecticut, which begins on Nov. 15.
Other Grants: