Resources and Fact Sheets

Shareable messaging and graphics for 2018 open enrollment


Open enrollment is shorter this year and the ACA has been surrounded by a cloud of uncertainty. This toolkit provides suggested messaging, resources and graphics that can be shared to educate and inform CT residents about the importance of enrolling in health coverage and the steps they need to take to get covered.


Research shows that both insured and uninsured consumers register very low levels of awareness about when open enrollment begins and ends. Only 31% of insured consumers and 12% of uninsured individuals know that open enrollment begins on November 1st. Even fewer consumers know when it ends. For example, one survey found that just 12% of insured consumers and 6% of uninsured individuals know the deadline.

Connecticut-specific messaging

Clear Connecticut-specific messaging will be especially important because some information used in national tools does not apply here. For example, Connecticut’s open enrollment period ends Dec. 22, one week after most other states’ deadline. In addition, Connecticut does not use the federal exchange; state residents sign up for coverage through Access Health CT,

Download >>> Open Enrollment 2018 CT Messaging Toolkit
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